Cambridge is one of the most ancient Universities. It is a great example of the way the colleges and Unversities were like in the Middle Ages. The founder was a Spanish Prince who married the daughter of the Britons. The Colleges started out very small but as the years went on it got larger as more people became aware of the colleges. The Monks came to Cambrige to lecure in 1109. Some Scholars that were dispersed form oxford when haveing problems in a town came to Cambridge.
Cambridge was origionally called Granta bryg, because the river it stands on was once calle dthe Granta not the Cam. The River called "Cam" was named after the Cambridge college.
Cambridge was origionally called Granta bryg, because the river it stands on was once calle dthe Granta not the Cam. The River called "Cam" was named after the Cambridge college.
The light show Aniversity is January 17 , it celebrates the 800th year of Cambridge. Ashton Ross states "The ideas, concepts and inventions that have flowed from Cambridge have changed the world. I intend to give the viewer a glimpse of the depth and breadth of this incredible body of work and to show that this same innovative genius will continue to shape our world in the future."
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